Visa Information

Invitation Letter

A general invitation letter will be issued by ACM and can be requested via the link below.

  • 7/31 Update: APSys 2024 is now listed in the system. Note that it could take 10 business days to get the invitation letter. If you are in a hurry and an invitation from the general chair is acceptable, please contact Chinese citizens may request visa-related documents as follows.

Visa Application by Chinese Citizens

You will need to apply for a short-term business visa to the Embassy of Japan in China. Please review the required documents and procedures on the following page.

General Chair will provide the following documents as the inviting organization on the Japanese side.

  • Invitation Letter (Letter of Reason for Invitation)
  • Stay Schedule
  • Certificate of Employment (corresponding to Information of the Inviting Organization)

Note that Letter of Guarantee can be omitted in the case of the invitation by a university professor.

Please send your information necessary to fill the invitation letter and stay schedule from the following form.